Autograph or Memorabilia |
(EACH) |
IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE WITH THE ORDER FORM THEN CLICK the e mail icon and send me an e mail, with your order.

Orders will only be held for seven days. Unfortunately many people on the Internet do not honor their commitments so I am forced to follow this policy.
HIT THE BACK BUTTON twice on your browser, after sending form, to return to my web site.
If you want to order additional items, please send in another form. Thank you.
Terms and Conditions:
ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS: Minimum Order: $20.00. All orders come with a 10 day return privilege for any reason, and a WRITTEN LIFETIME GUARANTEE OF AUTHENTICITY from a dealer with 22 years in the autograph and memorabilia business.
VISA,Master Card, AmEx or Discover (through PayPal) money orders, certified checks or personal checks accepted. Please fill out this order form, all orders will be confirmed by e mail.
You can use this icon to check out and pay me by PayPal directly with all major credit cards. Orders paid for by PayPal must be shipped by UPS or Fed Ex. Pay with PayPal and then send in the order form with your order.
(We trust PayPal to be safe and secure. No need to be
a previous PayPal user. Simply enter your credit
card information as with any other online merchant.)
Postage and Handling: UPS Shipping $7.25 (including $100 insurance) ($1.50 for additonal $100-300 insurance, 50 cents per $100 for additional insurance). US Mail Uninsured Shipping: $3.50 large items, $2.50 small items. Signed balls - $5 for first ball, $1 each additional ball. Federal Express is also available. I do NOT ship by US Mail insured. If you desire insurance, the item(s) have to be shipped by UPS. International shipments by Global Priority Mail for a charge of $9. Payments from overseas MUST be drawn on an American bank.
Delivery: Strict 7 day hold on all items, unless exception has been requested. Immediate shipment with certified check, money order or credit card. Please allow 14
days for personal checks.
Return Policy: 10 day return policy. Lifetime Guarantee of Authenticity on all autographs.
215 East 80th Street
New York, NY 10075
646-319-7531 (9-5 EST only) - phone
212-288-1445 - fax
The above address is not a store, please do not drop by unannounced. Thanks very much.