I BUY and SELL baseball autographs of Hall of Famers and stars.
If you have baseball autographs to sell let me know! I will have to see copies of your items before we can discuss an offer.
If you are a buyer please be sure to also check my other baseball pages.
CLICK HERE IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL TO ME. I AM BUYING BASEBALL AUTOGRAPHS. I buy Roger Maris, Thurman Munson, Tony Conigliaro, Ken Hubbs, Ken Boyer and most vintage baseball autographs.
Here is a link to my store. Many items for sale. Just click this button.
NOTE: This page contains non Hall of Fame baseball autographs.
Price List
- Carl Furillo - 35th Anniv cachet from Limited Edition Stadiums honoring 1953 WS with Jackie Robinson stamp $30
- Elston Howard - unlined 3x5 card $75
- Roger Maris - autograph on a 4x4 album page, signed in 1958 or 59 outside Fenway Park. $500
- Clarence Mitchell - famed for hitting into unassisted triple play in 1920 World Series.Small ink cut, signed C. E. Mitchell. $175
- Joe Oeschger -unlined inscribed index card "26 innings May 1 1920 Boston vs Brooklyn" $30
- Roger Peckinpaugh - unlined 3x5 card $20
- Mariano Rivera - 1998 WS Gateway Cachet $200
- Bill Wambsganss - unlined 3x5 card $25
- Tom Zachary - unlined 3x5 card $75
Just picked up an autograph book that has been in the family since the 1930's. The autographs are ink cuts and small cards that were glued to the pages of the autograph book.
- Dick Bartell 15
- Clyde Castleman 15
- Lou Chiozza 35
- Dick Coffman 25
- Harry Gumbert 15
- Hank Leiber 15
- Sam Leslie 35
- Gus Mancuso 15
- Johnnie McCarthy 25
- Cliff Melton 15
- Joe Moore 20
- Frank Lefty O' Doul (5 line note + signature) 125
- Jimmie Ripple 75
- Hal Schumacher 15
- Frank Snyder 75
- Gabby Street 50
- Burgess Whitehead 15
- 1966 New York Mets signed team ball on Official National League Warren Giles baseball with 29 signatures. Berra, Westrum, Swoboda, Ken Boyer, Kranepool, Haddix (pitching coach), Grote and more. Sigs. rate 5/10. See pics. $150
BASEBALL NON HALL OF FAME autographs, newly acquired. All baseball cards are VG-Exc or Exc.
- Stan Andrews 7x9 photo. $25
- Don Bessent - McCarthy postcard. $75
- Al Bridwell - signed Christmas card (also signed by wife and daughter) to Lawrence Ritter. Mentions "glowing reviews of your book" but does not mention Ritter by name. $65
- Tony Conigliaro - 1966 Topps card. $150
- Billy Cox - 1950 Bowman card. $125
- Turk Farrell - 1965 Topps card. $100
- Turk Farrell - 1964 Topps Giant. $500
- Elston Howard 1956 Topps $100
- Elston Howard 1968 Topps $100
- Mike Marshall - Dodgers relief pitcher $300
- Joe Oeschger - signed 6x8 box score of his famed 1920 26 inning game. $25
- Albert "Dolly" Stark - GPC 1934, first Jewish umpire in major league baseball and possible HOFer. $400
- Ed Waitkus - Exhibit card. $100
- Rudy York - 3x5 card personalized. $70
I recently purchased four school notebooks and have finally finished cataloging them.
The books contained an autograph collection of hundreds of major league baseball players autographs from 1939 and 1940.
- The original collector lived in NYC and was an autograph chaser at the New York ballparks. I bought this collection from the grandson of the original collector.
- The autographs were collected mostly on blank pages and a few on lined pages, they were then cut and glued to collector made team sheets in the four notebooks. They were glued to both sides of the page, thus some will be lost wwhen I cut the sheets up.
Most are signed in pencil unless noted. Most are on unlined paper unless noted. The collector had labeled each book with the year, team and the league.- Virtually all of the cuts are neatly but tightly cut. Most of the cuts offer only a small amount of room around the signature, most signatures are clear and readable.
PLEASE: when you order baseball autographs from this list please specify the year and team of the player you want.
- 1939 Brooklyn Dodgers
- Dixie Walker 15
- Pete Coscarart 15
- L. Hamilin 10
- D. Camilli 10
- Tuck Stainback 15
- Ira Hutchinson 25
- Art Parks 10
- Mel Almada 20
- Babe Phelps 15
- Chuck Dressen 15
- G.Moore 10
- Ernie Koy 10
- Whitlow Wyatt 20
- John Hudson 25
- Al Todd 10
- Vito Tamulis 15
- Cooke Lavagetto 10
- Tot Presnell 10
- Goody Rosen 15
- Al Hollingsworth 15
- F. Sington 10
- Wayne LeMaster 15
- Boots Poffenberger 10
- Bill Crouch 15
- 1939 Chicago Cubs
- Hank Leiber 10
- Bobby Mattick 10
- Gus Mancuso 10
- Jack Russell 15
- Bill Nicholson 20
- Augie Galan 10
- G. Willard 10
- Claude Passeau 15
- Bill Lee 10
- R. Johnson 20
- Bob Garbark 10
- Vance Page 75
- Jim Gleeson 10
- 1939 St Louis Cardinals
- John Mize 10
- Jimmy Brown 20
- Bob Bowman 20
- Mickey Owen 10
- Don Gutteridge 10
- Enos Slaughter 10
- L. King 20
- Bill McGee 20
- Stu Martin 10
- Curt Davis 15
- Ray Blades 10
- Frank Crespi 10
- H. Franks 10
- Tom Sunkel 10
- Don Padgett 15
- Lon Warneke 40
- 1939 Cincinnati Reds
- Harry Craft 10
- Gene Thompson 10
- Ival Goodman 20
- Eddie Joost 10
- M. Shoffner 10
- Nino Bongy (Bongiovanni) 10
- 1939 Pitsburgh Pirates
- Rip Sewell 10
- Russ Bauers 10
- Mace Brown 10
- L. Waner 10
- Geo. Susce 15
- Pep Young 30
- Max Butcher 15
- Elbie Fletcher 10
- Bill Clemens 10
- Bob Klinger 10
- Bill Swift 30
- 1939 Boston Bees
- Eddie Miller 15
- Lief Erickson 10
- Tony Cuccinello 15
- Al Lopez 10
- John Cooney 15
- John Lanning 15
- Debs Garms 20
- S. Sisti 10
- Max West 10
- Jim Turner 10
- Phil Masi 10
- Dan MacFayden 25
- Bud Hassett 10
- F. Frankhouse 15
- George Kelly 10
- Al Mora 10
- T. Earley 10
- J. Pezzullo 10
- Jim Outlaw 10
- Art Doll 10
- Ralph Hodgin 10
- 1939 Philadelphia Phils
- Merrill May 10
- Hugh Mulcahy 10
- Morris Arnovich 75
- K. Higbe 10
- Gus Suhr 10
- S. Johnson 20
- Jack Bolling 20
- Legrant Scott 10
- 1940 Brooklyn Dodgers
- Dolph Camilli 10
- Babe Phelps 15
- Whitlow Wyatt 10
- Dixie Walker 15
- Tot Pressnell 10
- Johnny Hudson 10
- Chuck Dressen 15
- Fred Fitzsimmons 10
- Tex Carleton 20
- Jim Wasdell 25
- Pete Coscorat 15
- Curt Davis 15
- Lee Grissom 10
- Cookie Lavagetto 15
- Joe Gallagher 10
- 1940 New York Giants
- E.T. Brannick 25
- Harry Gumbert 10
- Joe Moore 10
- Babe Young 15
- Cliff Melton 15
- Bill Lohrmann 10
- Hal Schumacher 10
- W. Brown 50
- Red Lynn 15
- Mike Witek 10
- J. McCarthy 30
- Tony Cuccinello 15
- John Dickshot 10
- John Rucker 15
- T. Jackson 10
- 1940 Chicago Cubs
- Al Todd 10
- Bill Nicholson 15
- John Corriden 25
- Geo. Uhle 10
- Claude Passeau 15
- Hank Lieber 10
- Glen Russell 15
- Vance Page 50
- A. Galan 10
- Larry French 10
- Bill Lee 10
- Jim Gleeson 10
- Bobby Mattick 10
- Charlie Root 35
- Bill Rogell 10
- 1940 St Louis Cards
- Ernie White 20
- Stu Martin 10
- Joe Orengo 15
- Enos Slaughter 10
- Ernie Koy 10
- Mickey Owen 10
- Jack Russell 15
- J. Hopp 10
- L. Warneke 20
- John Mize 10
- Mort Cooper 75
- Terry Moore 20
- Buzzy Wares 25
- Bob Bowman 15
- Marty Marion 10
- Eddie Lake 10
- 1940 Cincinnati Reds
- Whitey Moore 15
- Joe Beggs 15
- Elmer Riddle 20
- Paul Derringer 30
- Morris Arnovich 75
- J. Wilson 40
- $10 each - Lonny Frey, Gene Thompson, Harry Craft, Jim Turner, Lee Gamble, Eddie Joost, Billy Werber, Bill Baker, Ival Goodman, Frank McCormick, Mike McCormick
- 1940 Pittsburgh Pirates
- Debs Garms 15
- Virgil Davis 20
- V. DiMaggio 15
- John Lanning 15
- Frank Gustine 15
- Rip Sewell 10
- Mace Brown 10
- Max Butcher 15
- Elbie Fletcher 10
- Bob Elliott 40
- Maurice Van Robays 35
- L. Waner 10
- Floyd Young 20
- Bob Klinger 10
- 1940 Boston Bees
- Joe Callahan 135
- Tom Early 10
- Barney Barnicle 10
- Dick Coffman 20
- Bill Posedel 10
- Eddie Miller 10
- Max West 10
- George Kelly 10
- Nick Strincevich 10
- Sibby Sisti 10
- Carvel Rowell 10
- John Cooney 15
- Whitie Wietelman 10
- Gene Moore 20
- Phil Masi 10
- Joe Sullivan 10
- Bud Hassett 20
- Lief Errickson 10
- Stan Andrews 10
- Al Piechota 10
- 1940 Philadelphia Phils
- Hans Lobert 25
- K.Higbe 10
- Hugh Mulcahy 10
- Ike Pearson 15
- S. Johnson 15
- Walter Beck 10
- Lloyd Brown 15
- Walt Millies 10
- Ben Warren 10
- Art Mahan 10
- Merrill May 10
- Bob Bragan 10
- Emmett Mueller 10
- M. Mazzeia 10
- Del Young 15
- 1940 NL Umpires
- G.L. Magerkurth 15
- Lee Ballanfant 15
- J. Sears 35
- 1939 New York Yankees
- Bill Dickey 15
- Tom Henrich 10
- Charley Keller 10
- Atley Donald 10
- Art Jorgens 20
- Bill Knickerbocker 75
- 1939 Boston Red Sox
- Fritz Ostermuller 40
- Charlie Wagner 10
- Tom Daly 125 (coach, dec.1946, played 1913-1921 Wh Sox and Cubs)
- Denny Galehouse 35
- John Peacock 20
- Roger Cramer 10
- Stan Spence 10
- Bob Doerr 10
- Jim Bagby Jr 10
- Jack Wilson 15
- Gene Desautels 10
- Tom Carey 50
- 1939 Detroit Tigers
- Bud Thomas 10
- Frank Mutha 50
- Clay Smith 10
- 1939 Cleveland Indians
- Bob Feller 10
- Lou Boudreau 10
- Hal Trosky 15
- Jeff Heath 20
- Russ Peters 10
- Oscar Grimes 10
- Oscar Melillo 40 (1926-37 St Lou Browns and Boston R. Sox)
- Luke Sewell 10
- Beau Bell 15
- Mel Harder 10
- Al Milnar 10
- Roy Weatherly 10
- Joe Dobson 10
- Bill Zuber 15
- Cal Dorsett 20
- Ray Mack 40
- Ken Keltner 15
- Soup Campbell 10
- Sam Hale 15
- Nate Andrews 15
- H. Helf 10
- John Humphries 15
- 1939 Detroit Tigers
- Buck Newsom 50
- Rudy York 35
- Pinky Higgins 30
- Schoolboy Rowe 50
- Merv Shea 35
- Bing Miller 35
- Fred Hutchinson 25
- A. McKain 15
- Hal Newhouser 10
- Al Benton 35
- Bill Sullivan 10
- Frank Croucher 15
- Barney McCoskey 10
- Bruce Campbell 10
- Del Baker 10
- Dizzy Trout 15
- Red Kress 75 (1962 Mets coach)
- Tom Seat 10
- Dutch Meyer 10
- Lynn Nelson 40
- Earl Averill 10
- 1939 Chicago White Sox
- Thornton Lee 15
- Bob Kennedy 10
- Ed Weiland 40
- Eddie Smith 15
- Larry Rosenthal 15
- Joe Kuhel 10
- Luke Appling 10
- Bill Dietrich 10
- J. Salters 20
- Mike Kuevich 10
- C. Brown 30
- E. McNair 125
- Jack Knott 20
- John Rigney 15
- Skeeter Webb 15
- Ted Lyons 10
- Pete Appleton 25
- H. Ruel 25
- Oval Grove 15
- 1939 Washington Senators
- Joy Haynes 20
- Jack Sanford 10
- Alex Carrasquel 50
- Sid Hudson 10
- Al Evans 15
- Jim Pofahl 15
- Walter Masterson 10
- Joe Krakaushas 35
- Ossie Bluege 10
- Buddy Myer 15
- Sam West 20
- Dutch Leonard 15
- Johnny Welaj 10
- George Case 10
- Buddy Lewis 10
- Jake Early 10
- Jim Bloodworth 10
- Cecil Travis 10
- 1939 St Louis Browns
- John Whitehead 35
- Fred Haney 20
- Rip Radcliff 40
- Fred Hofmann 75 (coach) (played for Yankees 1919-1925, Red Sox 1927-28)
- George McQuinn 10
- John Berardino 10
- H. Clift 15
- Al Strange 10
- Lyn Lary 40
- Roy Cullenbine 15
- Joe Grace 15
- Chet Laabs 20
- Bob Harris 15
- Geo. Susce 15
- Don Heffner 15
- Myril Hoag 15
- Walt Judnich 35
- Bill Trotter 15
- Elden Auker 10
- V. Kennedy 15
- Slick Coffman 10
- 1939 Philadelphia A's
- Benny McCoy 10
- Bob Johnson 20
- Bill Lillard 10
- Johnny Babich 10
- Bill Beckman 15
- Wally Moses 10
- Sam Chapman 10
- Earle Brucker 15
- Joe Gantenbein 10
- Al Brancato 10
- Nelson Potter 15
- Geo. Caster 75
- Hal Wagner 10
- Frank Hayes 20Darilo Lodigiani 10
- Lee Ross 20
- G. Brack 50
- B. Atwood 10
- Virgil Davis 20
- 1939 Umpires
- Geo W Pipgras 15
- Bill Grieve 20
- Bill Summers 50
- 1940 New York Yankees
- John Schulte 10
- Red Rolfe 10
- Johnny Murphy 20
- Babe Dahlgren 10
- B. Rosar 10
- Bump Hadley 15
- Lefty Gomez 10
- F. Crosetti 10
- Spurgeon Chandler 20
- Monte Pearson 10
- M. Russo 10
- Steve Sundra 40
- Doc Painter 50
- Paul Schreiber 10
- 1940 Detroit Tigers
- Del Baker 10
- Slick Coffman 10
- Bing Miller 35
- Pete Fox 40
- Al Benton 40
- Merv Shea 40
- Tom Bridges 20
- Roy Cullenbine 15
- A. McKain 15
- Red Kress 75
- Jim Wolkup 10
- Gordon Hinkle 20
- 1940 Boston Red Sox
- Jim Tabor 65
- John Peacock 10
- Lou Finney 20
- Monte Weaver 10
- Jim Bagby Jr 10
- John Peacock 10
- Leo Nonnenkamp 10
- Dennis Galehouse 15
- 1940 Cleveland Indians
- Al Milnar 10
- Hal Trosky 10
- Roy Weatherly 15
- Joe Dobson 10
- Ken Keltner 10
- Skeeter Webb 15
- 1940 Chicago White Sox
- Clint Brown 40
- Johnnie Marcum 15
- Luke Appling 10
- Mike Kreevich 10
- Jack Hayes 20
- Harry Boyles 10
- Norm Schlueter 10
- Tony Rensa 10
- 1940 Washington Senators
- Walter Masterson 10
- Ken Chase 15
- Joe Krakauskas 40
- George Case 10
- Mickey Vernon 10
- Jake Early 10
- Sam West 20
- Cecil Travis 10
- Buddy Lewis 10
- Johnny Welaj 10
- Joe Haynes 30
- Angelo Giuliani 10
- Bob Prichard 10
- 1940 Philadelphia A's
- Ed Heusser 75
- Wally Moses 10
- Dick Siebert 10
- Bill Beckman 10
- Frank Hayes 20
- Bob Johnson 20
- Eric Tipton 10
- Dee Miles 15
- Joe Gantendein 10
- Nelson Potter 15
- Earle Brucker 15
- Wayne Ambler 10
- Lamar Skeets Newsom 10
- Walter Masters 10
- 1940 St Louis Browns
- George McQuinn 10
- Don Heffner 10
- Myril Hoag 10
- Harland Clift 10
- Bill Trotter 15
- Joe Glenn 10
- Chet Laabs 20
- Fred Hoffmann 75 (coach) (played for Yankees 1919-1925, Red Sox 1927-28)
- Joe Grace 40
- Bob Harris 15
- V. Kennedy 15
- Howard Mills 15
- Bill Sullivan 10
- Hal Spindel 10
- Mark Christman 25
- Harry Kimberlin 10
Want to place a credit card order right now? Click the PayPal icon. You can have that Kluszewski autograph in a few days! (We trust PayPal to be safe and secure. No need to be a previous PayPal user. Simply enter your credit card information as with any other online merchant.)
Click for information about getting autographs authenticated.
Baseball Letters and Documents and other items
Lawrence Ritter items - (author, Glory Of Our Times) (letters written to him by players that he wrote about in his book)
- One page handwritten letter from Willie Kamm, dated Oct 7,1970. Talks about his health, a trip and more. Signed Glory Kamm. $125
- Christmas Card from Al Bridwell, also signed by Bridwell's wife and daughter. Bridwell writes about the glowing reviews for the Ritter book. $125
The following are handwritten letters on lined paper. They are in response to a letter from a collector who asked the players various baseball questions. Who was their toughest opponent? Who were the greatest players they ever saw? What is their all time All Star team?, etc. Lots of interesting baseball content including comments about Ruth, Cobb, baseball techniques and more. The length of the letters varies from short notes to full page letters.
George Uhle $30 Horace Ford (Hod Ford) $40 Claude Berry $50 Eddie Wells $55 Beans Reardon (umpire, very possible HOFer) $175 Danny Gardella (letter contains religious references, no baseball content) $20 Bert Cole $35 Willie Mitchell $40 Carroll Brown $50 Milt Gaston $25 Jim McAvoy $35 G. W. Harper $30 William Hinrichs (typed letter on personal stationery) $50 Want to place a credit card order right now? Click the PayPal icon. You can have that Pepper Martin autograph in a few days!
Click for information about getting autographs authenticated.
Baseball Autographs on Small Signed Pictures - postcard size
- George Bamberger (color,Orioles issue) $6
- Larry French (cardboard, TCMA) $20
- French & M. Owen (TCMA) $20
Please add minimum $8.75 UPS shipping charges to all orders.Insurance is additional.
Send me your want list which I will file in my data base for future reference.
Time payments can be arranged on any purchase.
All items sold with Lifetime Guarantee of Authenticity. I have been in business for more then 20 years and my guarantee is more then a meaningless piece of paper.
Fax or scan copies are available.
Visit my ebay store picturing many of my for sale items with immediate ordering/purchasing through paypal.
Baseball Hall of Fame Autographs - Ruth, Cobb, Dimaggio, Connie Mack, Hall of Fame postcards, balls and more and The Trivia Quiz
AUTOGRAPHS of Roger Maris signed pictures and signed baseball cards.
Forgery Alert Newsletter - read about trends in the autograph market. Read what the forgers and their cohorts are up to. Read news about the FBI raids involving the sports autograph business.
Baseball Contemporary Autographs (current & recently retired players) - Griffey Jr., Gonzalez, Bonds, Schmidt, Seaver, Ryan, etc. Autographed baseballs and photos.*
New York Yankee Autographs - Mantle, Mattingly, more Dimaggio, Jeter, Rivera, Martinez, etc. Signed baseballs and signed photos.*
Brooklyn Dodgers Autographs - Koufax, Drysdale, Snider and many more. Signed baseballs and signed photos.*
Baseball Memorabilia - Tickets, pins, schedules, programs, original photos and more.
BASEBALL PHOTOGRAPHS - news wire service photos from original vintage negatives.
HISTORICAL AND LITERARY AUTOGRAPHS- Andrew Jackson, James Monroe, Civil War and many more.
CELEBRITY AUTOGRAPHS-vintage Movie stars, Music and TV stars, well known personalities, Marx Brothers, Disney, Elizabeth Taylor, Katherine Hepburn and more.
JUDY GARLAND ORIGINAL UNSIGNED PHOTOS - candid personal and concert photos
(* Indicates that discounts cannot be used on items on these pages).
Click for information about getting autographs authenticated.
215 East 80th Street
New York, NY 10075
646-319-7531 (9-5 EST only) - phone
The above address is not a store, please do not drop by unannounced. Thanks very much.I can send you an invoice to pay by credit card, or you can use PayPal to pay richsprt@aol.com.
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